It’s Time To Build A Community

It is the strategy of tyrants to keep the masses ignorant. Today we see this tactic being played out through a multi prong attack on citizens worldwide.

1. Censorship
2. Propaganda
3. Distraction
4. Division

By eliminating our ability to gather, organize or speak out, we are left feeling isolated and confused.

This is by design.

What can you do right now to promote freedom?

The #1 thing you can do RIGHT now to promote freedom is to create a community in your local area or online and start studying together.

I know you are busy. I know you have so many other things to do. But you were made for a time such as this. You are here, during this crisis, because you were called to make a difference.

Education is POWER, in fact, it is the most empowering force in the worldStudy leads to knowledge which builds confidence which leads to action which creates results.

Start with learning the principles of freedom, patterns of tyrants and abuse of power in history, and studying courageous men and women in history and discussing these topics with others.

If you aren’t sure how to get started, sign up here for my simple step by step guide to starting your own community:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

– Nelson Mandela

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