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#Cancel disney

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Main

#Cancel Disney

#Cancel Disney

There is a lot of talk about #canceldisney recently. And, I gotta say… We went to a couple different amusement parks this weekend and they just cannot compare. There’s something special about Disney. It’s like magic in the air: the music, smells, atmosphere. They truly have a gift. Unlike any other park.

I’ve been a Disney fan my entire life. And our trips to Disneyland are beautiful memories.

The magic of Disney brought out a side of Betsy that we didn’t know existed. For example, She said, “I love you” for the first time walking through the park while holding her Dad’s hand. At the time, she was ten years old. #autism

For that reason, our family canceling Disney was a big decision.

Here’s What I Know

Here’s what I know. Our adult minds are impressionable. And our children’s minds… incredibly so. Without a doubt, what we see, hear, and feel – especially on repeat – becomes truth. And it should be noted that subtle, consistent messaging can empower or destroy.

The messaging that is being pushed on young children today is not appropriate. And is potentially damaging. They are being conditioned to accept a new set of standards.

Therefore, Strong mothers must be aware of the messages their children are exposed to. And protect them, even when uncomfortable or unpopular.

In light of recent events, I will no longer use my dollars to support Disney. Cancelling Disney is a sad but needed decision that I feel is appropriate for my family. And some have felt that for a long time. I’ll admit I’ve turned a blind eye over the years. I didn’t want to lose the magic that was Disney.

Family Values

But the chasm between my family’s values and the values of the world has grown so large. Therefore, I can no longer ignore it.

The influence a company like Disney has over the minds of young children is immense. And the power they wield in the world is enormous.

Consequently, if their values do not align with mine, how can I trust them? Trust them to have consistent, and regular influence over those who are most important to me?

Simply put… I can’t.

A couple of deciding factors for me:

A program on Disney+ targeting toddlers and preschoolers instilling victim/oppressor messaging about micro-aggression.

Also, they have recently vowed to fight Florida’s new Parental Rights Law (which prohibits classroom and instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in grades k-3) until it is repealed.

Interesting fact:

“When Americans are presented with the actual language of the new Florida law, it wins support by more than a two-to-one margin,” Public Opinion Strategies said about its poll.*

Children are being conditioned today through sophisticated means. For example, Entertainment, music, education… all stacked against families and traditional values.

And make no mistake… there is a war happening today in our homes. And Strong mothers … it’s time to stand.

*Credit: https://www.breitbart.com/…/poll-majority-of-americans…/ 

#Cancel Disney

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Hi! I'm Amy Earle

When I was a kid I was obsessed with government and history. I was sure I’d be a high school history teacher. Instead I chose to homeschool my own children. Soon after beginning, I was introduced to the principles of leadership education and the importance of teaching children how to think, instead of simply filling them with what to think. This led me on a journey that changed everything for me. We’ve gone the path less traveled and it has made all the difference.

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