Times & Seasons

Times & Seasons Times and Seasons. 2021 kicked my literal ass. I gained weight, suffered from anxiety and depression, started menopause , picked up regular use of the F word, struggled in my business, took a step back from life… One of the most important lessons I...

Who Are You?

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I Get It But I Hate It

I Get It, But I Hate It Know what I hate? When people say, “I’m looking for a really good xxx, but No MLMs”. Seriously annoys me. But the worst part? Until 4 years ago, that was me.  So I get it. But I still hate it. In my mind, Amazon was better than what my friend...

#Cancel disney

#Cancel Disney #Cancel Disney There is a lot of talk about #canceldisney recently. And, I gotta say… We went to a couple different amusement parks this weekend and they just cannot compare. There’s something special about Disney. It’s like magic in the air: the music,...

If you would have told me

If You Would Have Told Me If you had told me 5 years ago that shampoo would change my life, I would have laughed... but I would have listened. Because I was looking for something to change my life. I was ready. God knows doesn't He? He knows what is coming and He...


Mission God put you here for a reason. In addition, the people in your life.  He sees the big picture. And He has the road map. God asks us to trust him. And He told us, “Ask for what you desire. Listen to my promptings, and then act. And I will go before preparing...

New Year, New Goals

New Year, New Goals Do you have New Year's Goals? When we moved into this house I told Jake, “This is where I’m going to earn Million Dollar Club.” MDC is awarded when you’ve earned $1,000,000 in commissions. (Spoiler: it’s not here yet.) I could feel the energy and I...

Vision board

Vision Board Have you ever built a vision board?  Never underestimate the power of giving your mind instructions. Without a doubt, we are creators, even when we don’t realize it. We are creating the life we live. For this reason, my suggestion? Choose to be an active...

Life Script

Life Script Have you heard of the term "Life script"? If not this post will explain it a little more to you. And I will share my life script with you. I got to share our story tonight. And it gets me every time.  “I freaking love my life.”That’s the first line of my...

You are the expert

You Are The Expert I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you are the expert in your home. First, No one knows your children like you do. Second, No one sees them the way you do. Third, No one loves them the way you do. Fourth, No one believes in them the way you...


by | Mar 19, 2022 | Main



Life as we know it… freedom as we know it… And even the economy as we know it is under attack.

Purposefully and deliberately. And the arguments are cunning and deceitful.

I believe wisdom is needed to be able to see past the immediate gratification of laws. As well as programs, and proposals. And above all to see the impact they will have on future generations.

The Shouting


The shouting today is so loud. And the attacks are so massive it’s difficult to make sense of it all. But the principles are there. We’ve seen the same thing happen through all generations of time.

The playbook for communism to be instituted in a free nation is to start with socialism. In fact… it is in the playbook. Specifically, you can read Karl Marx’s words.

The way to protect those you love is to stand against the overreaching power of the government. First, they offer promises of unicorns and rainbows. All the while the system they propose leads to total loss of freedom and prosperity… for ALL. Oh, except for those in power.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Come join the email list for Roar Like a Mother… new class date starting soon!

Check out my Instagram and my favorite Blog posts for more!

Hi! I'm Amy Earle

When I was a kid I was obsessed with government and history. I was sure I’d be a high school history teacher. Instead I chose to homeschool my own children. Soon after beginning, I was introduced to the principles of leadership education and the importance of teaching children how to think, instead of simply filling them with what to think. This led me on a journey that changed everything for me. We’ve gone the path less traveled and it has made all the difference.

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